Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Dose of Marcus Aurelius

A Contented Life

If you work at that which is before you, following right reason seriously, vigorously, calmly without allowing anything else to distract you, but keeping your divine part pure, as if you might be bound to give it back immediately; if you hold to this, expecting nothing, fearing nothing, but satisfied with your present activity according to nature . . . you will be happy. And there is no man who is able to prevent this.

Take away the complaint "I have been harmed," and the harm is taken away.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

True colours

I am currently green with envy but blue with scurvy, so am in fact a nice turquoise.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's just not right.

Brethern and sisteren, the jewel in Chicken Cottage's crown, Tooting branch, has been shut down. I hope it's temporary, there's a police cordon and the windows have been blacked out, plus a police van is parked outside with a satellite dish on top. Serious stuff. I nervously asked a policeman what happened, he said a stabbing took place last night. He then asked if CC is my restaurant of choice, I nodded "I've got to go to Dallas chicken now". He paused seeming to understand the gravity of the situation, adding solemnly "not the same is it?"

People, why can't we just get a long/eat in peace?

Monday, June 04, 2007

Receptionists havin' a laugh

When walking into my Dr's waiting room to pick up a repeat prescription for my mum I was greeted by uncontrollable laughter. The receptionists could barely speak so I waited until they stopped. I kept a smile on my face, being serious would somehow be seen as disapproving "look at me, I can keep a straight face, why can't you?"

They didn't stop.

What to do? So I did some voice projection to be heard above the din and asked for the prescription. The receptionists were embarrassed but they couldn't stop, well one couldn't the other was doing quite well. I found myself hoping she would explode into laughter too, it did make me tense, like anticipating awful inevitability injury at the beginning of Casualty does; was she going to rupture some organ by containing the power of mirth?

The main laughing receptionist, knowing that this was strange, stopped long enough to say "I'm sorry there's something wrong with us" and carried on. She had surrendered to the funniness, I think the awkwardness probably made it funnier. She had nothing to lose now. I could empathise, anyway I shuffled off before I spent too long understanding the scene otherwise I'd look like I was staring.

"HA HA HA HA!" I bellowed on my way out. No I didn't, I'm British and I'd have to pop in again at some stage.
Please comment to list all the ways to improve this story.

Monday, May 28, 2007

KiLliNg yOU StoYcAllY

I am now pronouncing "Stoic" correctly but feel I have lost on some matter of principle. Phonetic breakdown (<-- feel free to use as a one-hit wonder band name) is Stow-ic, I said it how it's spelt Stoyc. But you knew that already my smug phantom reader, didn't you? Why do you mock me with phantom tuts and sighs? A shoulder massage wouldn't go a-miss. Why don't you make yourself useful and make me a fried egg sandwich? Again with the tutting.

Other words that I have mispronounced are "oven" and "pizza" (<-- when I was a very young though, I tell you I gave my teacher and the rest of the kids what for). I soon realised my parents weren't infallible, imitation was now out! I sought consolation but they weren't inflatable either. That's when Marvel comics became of primary importance to me, they all can do stuff in there.

I still pronounce "oven" wrong sometimes and wince in expectation of an immigration officer in a cap and an off-the-shoulder number saying "Passport?"- in an Indian accent mind. So many tuts and sighs! It sounds like a human beatbox here. Quite fooonky, funkayy. Yes funky is allowed to be mispronounced. Free at last, free at last. I am quite enjoying the beatbox. Ahh hah! It's is flailing and sputtering- the phatom reader has no power for I have found it's Kryptonite. You is my tool for entertainment/bitch now. Cor, you're makin' a right meal of it, not very stoyc. Hahahahh, can't even tut now can ya? Excuse me while I fetch my limited edition kicking shoes signed by the Dalai Lama.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorable Quote

"It's part of our complex history that we're surrounded by beauty that was funded by atrocity" -Mark Steel 23 May 2007 "The Independent"

An update for all my fans!

I had a lovely cuppa today. I still get a thrill as I remember the sun dancing playfully on the surface as I recklessly added a splash of milk and watched it fight,then mingle with the tea, all the while undaunted, I stirred the brew to it's full glory. Due to my devil may care attitude and thin moustache (for I am a bounder) I perched a cheeky Custard Cream biccy on the side. Dats how I'm rollin'.

Hey and to all my girls out derr- I love ya!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Too little sleep fish

Too little sleep fish 2, originally uploaded by SifMC.

I went to Billingsgate, to check out how God went wild on the designing board.

Check the rest if you want

Saturday, January 06, 2007